Friday, September 28, 2018

Sept. 28th

It is hard to believe that we are in our last week of September.
It has been a busy but fun week!!  Picture Day, Terry Fox Run and Terry Fox Assembly with Fred Fox plus all the special activities - see below!

Div. 9 raised $132.50 for Terry Fox and the school raised $2, 820.80   Way to go Fairview - you have made a big difference in cancer research! Thank you to all parents who helped out with the Terry Fox Run and cutting/delivering all the oranges.

Next week is our Food Drive for Maple Ridge food hamper.  Hopefully you can donate some non-perishable food so others can enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving too.  Fairview is showing that 'Little People Can Make A Big Difference!'

Please return all forms, entertainment books, $7 for planners and art cards by Monday.  Also please send in headphones or earbuds asap - we are using these both in the class and the computer lab. Thanks!

Remember to collect dried leaves for a special craft.  If every student could please bring in at least 10 that would be great - so far we have none:(

I have assigned each student a reading level on Raz Kids based on preliminary testing.  Some students may be on the same letter as last year as some letters cover many levels. (M contains a very wide range).  Your child has the option to read a level up/down with this program, they don't have to be reading the exact level.  Once they have shown growth in their reading skills (or read all of their books), I can make adjustments as needed.  Students should answer questions if they read a book. This is another options for accessing appropriate reading materials, especially I you are traveling and the students find the books engaging.  You can connect to the site using the useful links on this blog.  Your child's password is their first name (with a capital).

Please also note if you want an email to remind you when I have updated the blog please fill the box at the top right side of the blog.

We will be putting the upcoming skating trip out on the portal early next week.  Please ensure that you have an 'up to date' driver's abstract if you plan on volunteering.  These expire after 2 years but are quick and easy now that they can be completed by phone.

Have a great weekend!

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