Friday, September 14, 2018


Dear Families,
Everything is starting to settle into place.  Hopefully you all have received our first letter and the home reading letter.  Please return the Getting To Know your Child and Volunteer forms (if available).  Also please pay the $7.00 planner fee either online through the portal or by sending in the cash/cheque (made out to Fairview Elementary).  Today I sent home your child's art cards, if  you want to order please do so online and return the card by Oct. 2/18. If you don't want to order, no worries but if you'd like the card in your child's memory book still just return to the school with a note on it saying Memory book!
If possible for all students to have inside shoes (the rain seems to have arrived) for next week and all their school supplies.  Thanks you.
Have a great weekend.
Sheralyn Rowledge-Toscani

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