Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 5th

Happy Thanksgiving. to everyone!  Hope your child's turkey arrived home safely so it can be a centre piece at your special dinner.  In your child's poetry book there some homework, it is a Gratitude Scavenger Hunt (you could write down things you found or even just discuss) and please read over or act out "The Great Turkey Escape".

Thank you for the dried leaves, we have received almost enough so unless you find some unique, colourful smaller sized leaves we should have enough for our projects.  Entertainment Books, headphones/ear buds should be sent in next week.  Thanks!

Our skating field trip is on the portal please sign up and send in cash for skates and helmets.  Drivers are needed and you must have a current driver's abstract.   Thanks to everyone that has already signed up and volunteered to drive.

This week I send home information on two online programs that you have access to by the useful links on the sidebar of this blog.  Raz Kids is reading and IXL which we will mainly be using to support our math curriculum (the site is connected to our BC Curriculum).  This is the first time we have had a license for the IXL program so we are excited to discover all that it offers but we may also have some struggles - please let me know if you have difficulties and we will try to solve them together.  This is a good way for your child to continue to practice speed/accuracy of his/her math skills and also find a challenge.

Snack Celebrations are now posted on this blog.  For those parents that didn't have a chance to signup I asked your child to choose a celebration, hopefully this works for you.  I have also update the calendar for October.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!  I am thankful for Div. 9 - both the students and the parents!  It seems like it is going to be an exciting year!

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