Class photos are tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will be the last day for students to take out library books.
Our scientists of the day are going very well - thank you so much for your help with these projects. The students are loving them and learning lots!
Your child should be practicing the poem that is in their Mystery Bags (some won't be receiving their poem until next week though) They will be presenting these to the class with their groups. Mystery Bags were changed today unless your child wanted to keep theirs.
Also please check the backpacks for their FOOD FOR US! books tomorrow. We have gone through these learning about nutritious foods, the 4 food groups (even though they have changed the Canada Food Guide has changed this year, it is still important the children learn the different groups and the importance of balanced meals and healthy snacks). They have already analyzed their lunch one day and the last page of the book is another lunch they could plan and make sure is a balanced meal! Please do this at home and review with your child, if you'd rather do a breakfast or supper that's fine too. They do not need to return this to school but completing this last page is important and is homework. Thanks for your help with this!
Love Your Library Raffle tickets went home last week. Hopefully you can sell these tickets and return the stubs and the money asap. If you are unable to sell them please return the tickets so we can sell them to someone else. Thanks for your support with our library!
Rocks!! Each student is asked to bring in a rock - BIGGER THAN THEIR FIST BUT SMALLER THAN THEIR HEAD! (LOL) They will be drawing and writing a word on these rocks as part of our connection unit.
Upcoming Events for Div. 9:
***Note Hot Lunch is Thursday, May 30th
Rev's Bowling - Thursday, June 20th in the afternoon - drivers will be needed
Fun Day and Tacky Tourist Day - Friday, June 21st
Year End Party will be Tuesday, June 25th in the afternoon. Thanks in advance to Cam - fruit plate, Colton - Veggies, Alicia - Sweet Treat, Will - Popcorn/chips or Pretzels, Saskia - Other!
I have also updated the calendar on this blog with all the June dates.
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