Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26th

No School Monday, April 29th due to a Pro D day.

Division 9 was very fortunate to have Dr. Schnellert come to our class on Tuesday.  He was impressed by your children and helped me present an interesting lesson about an aboriginal girl who had to go to a residential school.  The students were able to come up with colours, symbols and images that reflected the feelings and connections they made to this book.

ME-N-ED's field trip is re-scheduled for Wednesday, May 8th.  You need to sign up again on the portal - please do this asap!  I hope to finalize our drivers by the end of next week.  Thanks to those who have already signed up and/or told me they are available to drive.

Div. 9 & 10 will be presenting their body songs at the assembly on Monday, May 6th at 8:45.  Please have your child practice and memorize these songs.  Thanks for your help.  Hopefully some of you will be able to come to watch this assembly.  I will try to video tape it for those of you that can't make it.

We will be changing our mystery bags next week so please be sure your child has them in their bag each day.  Thanks.

Thank you for paying for your child's memory book, I now have all the money in.  If anyone is doing any spring cleaning could you please keep your eyes open for any classroom books, returning any that you find.  Thanks!

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